Saturday, June 2, 2007
An Introduction to Calabar
Name: Hector Calabar Age: Twenty-two Sex: Male Orientation: Gay Contact: HectorCalabar [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Interests: cooking, crochet, Japan, knitting, sewing Favorite Game Genre: RPGs Favorite Game Series: Final Fantasy, Genso Suikoden, Silent Hill, Shadow Hearts, Valkyrie Profile, Wild ARMs, Xenogears Favorite Tabletop Games: 3.5 Edition Dungeons & Dragons, Vampire: The Masquerade, Changeling: The Dreaming
Gaming History: I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember--my two earliest gaming memories are Final Fantasy and Crystalis for the NES. Not Super Mario? I know. I probably played it and failed miserably. I wasn't exactly the most coordinated youngster. Previous ineptitudes aside, video games have become one of my major pass times, and I plan to continue playing through my old age.
As exciting as the next new games can be, I tend to play the same classics over and over again. I've been through Valkyrie Profile so many times that I can quote Lenneth's speeches to the recently deceased Einherjar. I'm a living walkthrough to any Squaresoft / SquareEnix game. When it comes to gaining levels, I can tell you which monsters will appear where, plus what items they'll drop. When I'm listening to the original soundtrack for a game, I can describe to you the scenes in which the music first appeared, including who was there and what they were doing (and the track's name). It all comes from repetitive play, my friends. Some call it obsession. I call it dedication.Labels: Calabar